Fab City Summit Paris: another city is possible
The Fab City network now includes 28 cities and regions worldwide. On July 11-13, Fab City Summit Paris mobilized a large international community, after embarking politicians and institutions.
Published 17 July 2018 by la rédaction
The Fab City network now includes 28 cities and regions worldwide. On July 11-13, Fab City Summit Paris mobilized a large international community, after embarking politicians and institutions.
Published 3 July 2018 by Annick Rivoire
On July 11, before FAB14, the Fab City Summit begins. But what is the fabcity? We posed this question to co-organizers and architects Francesco Cingolani and Minh Man Nguyen.
Published 18 December 2018 by Vincent Guimas
Vincent Guimas of Fab City Grand Paris reports on the Fab City Foundation launch on December 12 and e-Residency in Tallinn.
Published 24 July 2018 by Annick Rivoire
For the first time in France, on July 16-20, the FAB14 conference was held under the theme “fabricating resilience”. Will fablabs fill the gaps of our collapsing world?
Published 24 July 2018 by la rédaction
Pioneer makers and young graduates of the Fab Academy, veterans of FABX and novices of the international conference of fablabs, they all have one thing in common: they were at FAB14.
Published 17 July 2018 by Elsa Ferreira
FAB14, the international meeting of fablabs and third part of an auspicious month of July for makers in France, is taking place in Toulouse from July 16-22. Makery is covering the event.
Published 11 July 2018 by la rédaction
As the Fab City Summit opened in Paris on July 11, Paris, Toulouse, Barcelona, Helsinki, Belo Horizonte, Groningen, Brest, the Fab City and various actors signed a Manifesto.
Published 10 July 2018 by Elsa Ferreira
The urbanist Thomas Ermacora is one of the speakers of the Fab City Summit. He explains why the future of cities is in the hands of a new generation of techno-creative people.
Published 10 July 2018 by Ewen Chardronnet
What has been happening in Brest, Brittany, since the city was certified Fab City one year ago? The week before the Fab City Summit and FAB14 opened in France, Makery investigated on site.
Published 26 June 2018 by Elsa Ferreira
Produce locally, cheaply and favor the human factor? This is the challenge taken on by the workshop-store Unto This Last in London, pioneer of digital handcrafted furniture production.
Published 19 June 2018 by Ewen Chardronnet
The ManufActeurs are part of the people building the fabcity in Brest. We met Julien Masson, member of this collective of architects, designers and landscapers.
Published 12 June 2018 by Pauline Comte
As a preamble to the Fab City Summit, the 5th MakeryMedialab invited the association Fab City Grand Paris and the collective Quatorze. Focus on the project In My BackYard.
Published 27 February 2018 by Carine Claude
From February 10-14, the Makers Asylum in Mumbai got together a hundred or so people for a Franco-Indian hackathon aiming to find DIY solutions to disability. Portraits.
Published 16 May 2017 by Annick Rivoire
#Fablab Festival. More of a great Make celebration than the makers’ rendezvous: the Toulouse festival welcomed 9,000 visitors from May 11 to 14. Report.
Published 8 November 2016 by Julien Paris
Do fablabs help big cities to become resilient? Sent to Visualizar by Ping and Makery, developer Julien Paris spent 10 days in Madrid working on the Fabcity Dashboard.
Published 30 August 2016 by Cherise Fong
A first in China: FAB12, the international fablab conference, took place on August 8-14 in Shenzhen, the city that produces 80% of the world’s electronics. Report.
Published 24 July 2023 by Ewen Chardronnet
On Friday 14 July, the Hangar Y in Meudon near Paris opened its doors and its skies to the public in order to host Aerocene for a unique collaborative and artistic experience.
Published 10 March 2020 by Frank Beau
Alors que le premier tour des Municipales 2020 approche, Makery a voulu savoir si l’indicateur Fab City Index qui mesure le degré d’autonomie productive des villes pouvait éclairer le vote citoyen.
Published 12 November 2019 by Frank Beau
In January 2020, Villette Makerz will launch a new course on circular design and learning through materials. Makery met its director Samuel Rémy at Parc de la Villette.
Published 23 October 2019 by Ewen Chardronnet
The European network Distributed Design Market Platform met at Fablab Budapest to reflect on two years of collaboration and announce its new book “Design, Remix, Share, Repeat”.