In Cameroon, EduAir puts digital education in a box
Less than a quarter of the population in Cameroon has access to internet. EduAir is developing a solution to distribute digital content for education.
Published 19 June 2017 by David Rochelet
Less than a quarter of the population in Cameroon has access to internet. EduAir is developing a solution to distribute digital content for education.
Published 28 April 2017 by David Rochelet
David Rochelet, who founded the Doualab in Cameroon, is also part of the adventure of the Ongola Fablab, the first in the capital Yaoundé. He tells us about its opening on April 6.
Published 16 March 2017 by David Rochelet
David Rochelet founded the Doualab in Cameroon. First column from this French engineer convinced that Africa could become the largest makerspace in the world.