Listen to the voice of Neil Gershenfeld… in 3D print!

First Obama, now Gershenfeld! Artist Gilles Azzaro, who caught the public’s eye in 2014 at the White House Maker Faire with his sculpture of the U.S. president’s 3D printed voice, has done it again with Neil Gershenfeld‘s voiceprint. In a 21-second recording, the founding father of fablabs answers the question “What is fablab?”, emphasizing a principle that he holds dear: “Allow anyone to make almost anything.”
Rendered then printed in 3D, his vocal response is materialized into an almost 2-meter-long sculpture. An audio laser installation reads the printed intonation peaks to sound out Gershenfeld’s definition. Made at Artilect, France’s oldest fablab founded in 2009 in Toulouse, this large-scale printing is the result of 200 work hours and output by two separate machines. The vocal sculpture will also be exhibited at the next Fablab Festival on May 5-8 in Toulouse. Next up, an exhibition at MIT?
“What is fablab?” Neil Gershenfeld’s answer, 3D printed by Gilles Azzaro (2016):