Intestinal considerations on the commons
Once we know what the commons can be, how it can be governed and by whom, the question is: What does the commons stand for? That is, what social project does it carry?
Published 8 September 2016 by Olivier Blondeau
Once we know what the commons can be, how it can be governed and by whom, the question is: What does the commons stand for? That is, what social project does it carry?
Published 25 June 2016 by Olivier Blondeau
After discussing the theoretical dimension of the commons, Olivier Blondeau shows how the Github platform, well known to makers and developers, constitutes a common good.
Published 16 June 2016 by Olivier Blondeau
What are commons exactly? The defense of informational common goods presupposes the acknowledgement of former collective economic forms.
Published 26 April 2016 by Olivier Blondeau
In Brooklyn, neighbors are buying and selling their own electricity using the blockchain. For Olivier Blondeau, a new relationship with energy is coming.
Published 8 April 2016 by Olivier Blondeau
Is the start-up the only economic model for makers? For Olivier Blondeau, it is time to find other solutions for disruptive innovation, to be found in the social economy.
Published 21 March 2016 by Olivier Blondeau
First column for Makery by Olivier Blondeau, author of an anthology about digital knowledge who reminds us of the principles of sharing.