
The Makery medialab and Ping at Visualizar’16 Open Cities

Dataviz prototype for Fabcities. © DR

This summer, Makery started building its (still modest) medialab. The “media for labs” will thus extend its activities to organizing workshops, meetings and training, residencies for artists and hackers, and participating in the development of data visualization and participative tools for information and labs in general.

To achieve this, the Makery medialab is collaborating with the nonprofit Ping and its fablab Plateforme C in Nantes to create data visualization tools. After a visit from the Fab City team to Fablab Barcelona, Ping and Makery will participate in the Visualizar’16 Open Cities workshop at Medialab Prado in Madrid, from September 26 to October 5, where about a hundred data visualization experts from around Europe will pool their skills.

More and more cities worldwide are making their operations increasingly transparent by publishing catalogues of data linked to administrative procedures (such as budgets or blueprints), infrastructures and their usage by citizens, environmental conditions, social and cultural services, etc. These collections of data can be analyzed in different ways in order to improve how infrastructures and public services respond to residents’ needs. Beyond the ambition of efficient planning, the workshop aims to develop tools so that the data can be experienced by the population in various and critical ways, feeding a complex and rich ecosystem, where uses, needs and desires are constantly redefined.

Our architect and honorary developer Julien Paris will be at the heart of the best environment. He will focus his efforts on developing the Fab City Dashboard.

Presentation of Fab City Dashboard for Visualizar’16 Open Cities:

The objective of the Fab City Dashboard project is to develop a visualization tool for Fabcities that shows the relationship between urban spaces and their conception, production and consumption networks. This tool would help us to understand how citizens conceive and produce in urban spaces within networks of suppliers, manufacturers, craftspeople, fablabs, makerspaces, hackerspaces…

The results of Visualizar’16 Open Cities will be presented on October 5 at Medialab Prado during the Open Cities Summit

See the beta version (V 0.3) of the first data visualization tool born from the Ping Makery collaboration